Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Life Is A Journey!

What is it that you want out of life? Is it something that seems so out of reach that it has become nothing more than a dream to you? It is good to have dreams, but not just when you are in bed at night. You should carry your dreams with you all throughout your days. Your goal each day should be to take steps toward your dream. Your days should be based on reaching that goal. If you want something bad enough, you will go get it. It may not be today or even this year for that matter, but the longer you put this journey off, the more steps you'll have to take to get there.

Life is like a long curvy road! There are bumps and pot wholes all along the way. On this road there are also blessings, gifts, and miracles. If you are not in a "happy" place in your life, and things have been this way for quite sometime you may not see those blessings or any of the pleasant things life has to offer. You may feel like you are on a dead end road (maybe you have felt this for a while). You may need to take a good look ahead of you to see where you are going. Not because there may be a bump ahead or a pot whole to avoid, but maybe, just maybe, you are not on the road at all! You open your eyes to find that you have been in the ditch this whole time! You have missed all of the gifts and blessings that was set out for you on your road of life.

Now, are you going to stay in the ditch, or would you like to climb your way back up onto the road and continue your journey? Life has it's complications, so it may not be easy to get yourself back on track. Depending on how long you have been there, you may have dug yourself down a little deeper than you first thought. It is a must that you get back on that road! There is no other way to get your blessings, gifts and miracles.

You may have to scratch, dig, and fight your way back up, but that is what it is going to take. God has placed all these wonderful gifts in your path, but you haven't even been on the path so that you could receive them. This is your journey and if you like the way things are looking in your ditch, by all means keep plowing ahead. As for me, I choose to stay up here on the path. Simply because I can see what is ahead of me, I know exactly where I am in this journey, and because I can see you down there in that ditch. And just as soon as take the time to look up, you'll see my hand out. I am right beside you, waiting to pull you up!

The road of life has its ups and downs, but the gifts are around each corner. You simply must stay on your path if you want to see them. But just as well as there are thousands of us holding out our hand, there are just as many in the ditch with you that will distract you from ever looking up.

Where do want your journey to end?